Sunday, April 25, 2010
Prosecutor investigated Rapolder Club
Koblenz - Koblenz prosecutor has launched einErmittlungsverfahren for tax evasion against Verantwortlichedes football second division club TuS Koblenz.
Affected sinddavon two former members of the Board. As the dog LeitendeOberstaatsanwalt Horst announced on Thursday, is beimAmtsgericht Koblenz against both Strafbefehlswegen application for a payroll tax reduction and fraud have been made on zuständigenSozialversicherungsträger.
Had been requests individually, a total prison sentence of 11Monaten on probation, and an additional fines von120 daily rates. After her confession, and were investigating dieAngeschuldigten suspected of having a variety vonArbeitnehmer paid particular player TuS Koblenz in time vonFebruar 2003 to June 2006 pay and not to pay payroll taxes undSozialversicherungsbeiträge for it.
Against another former member of the board lasted dieErmittlungen, it added in the press release. DieEmpfänger against the "black wages" had meanwhile also einErmittlungsverfahren been Sozialversicherungsträgereingeleitet on suspicion of fraud and aid zurSteuerhinterziehung on.
Currently, the prosecution of more starts from als40 persons concerned. Shall not be granted in relation to the Steuergeheimniskönnten further information.