Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hotelier filmed his passengers in the bed

Cologne --
For evidence of overnight guests, the police has searched for a hotel in the north of Cologne.
During the raid, the officials believe their eyes. The hotel owner had installed cameras in the rooms - and guests secretly filmed.
For many residents in the small business a nightmare come true. "They thought they were in a protected area and have been the victim of a voyeur," said an investigator on Monday to EXPRESS. The hotel owner had it here particularly targeted bed scenes. After check-in, the cameras went on. And the hotel owner was able to calmly watch what happened in the rooms.
The small hidden cameras were installed in the EXPRESS information and addressed, inter alia, on the beds. Only at closer look you could see the spies. The hotel has in the course of interrogations Spanner in Cologne Palace of Justice had given everything. The prosecution considered this appearance as a confession, it was said on Monday at the authority.
The man had intended to arouse himself sexually by the secret observation of his naked guests. For his voyeurism and the disruption of the privacy of its clients now he faces one years in prison