Sunday, April 25, 2010

Prosecutor investigated Rapolder Club

Koblenz - Koblenz prosecutor has launched einErmittlungsverfahren for tax evasion against Verantwortlichedes football second division club TuS Koblenz.
Affected sinddavon two former members of the Board. As the dog LeitendeOberstaatsanwalt Horst announced on Thursday, is beimAmtsgericht Koblenz against both Strafbefehlswegen application for a payroll tax reduction and fraud have been made on zuständigenSozialversicherungsträger.
   Had been requests individually, a total prison sentence of 11Monaten on probation, and an additional fines von120 daily rates. After her confession, and were investigating dieAngeschuldigten suspected of having a variety vonArbeitnehmer paid particular player TuS Koblenz in time vonFebruar 2003 to June 2006 pay and not to pay payroll taxes undSozialversicherungsbeiträge for it.
   Against another former member of the board lasted dieErmittlungen, it added in the press release. DieEmpfänger against the "black wages" had meanwhile also einErmittlungsverfahren been Sozialversicherungsträgereingeleitet on suspicion of fraud and aid zurSteuerhinterziehung on.
Currently, the prosecution of more starts from als40 persons concerned. Shall not be granted in relation to the Steuergeheimniskönnten further information.

Monday, April 19, 2010

No new acquisitions despite Personalnot

Leverkusen - Bayer's embarrassing appearance at Wintercup in Dusseldorf. Indifferent? Only preparation? The famous wake-up call at the right time? Or at least a proof that the "second suit," the Leverkusen sits so far from what it would like the controller?
Without the struck eagle, Friedrich Schneider, Gekas, Sinkiewicz and Ramelow and the Africa Cup departed Haggui and Sarpei Bayer offered a non-bundesliga mature appearance. Nevertheless, close coach Michael Skibbe and sporting director Rudi Voeller new acquisitions for the second half categorically (Sunday Express reported). And rely on the principle of hope.
"The fact that remain that are healthy, healthy - and the others are healthy," Skibbe expressed his wishes for the rest of the preparation. But what if not? Bayer's second half will start to-wire act.
For the Re-launch rounds has what it takes: in Cottbus, against Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Schalke v! Will not fit the ordinary forces, threatens to crash. Then the international courts wiggle ...
In particular, the central defense with Callsen-Bracker and Bönig played on Saturday downright frightening low. Hopes now rest on Manuel Friedrich - the national team is following a meniscus surgery in the test match at the 1 FC Cologne (Saturday) to play again. Steve Sidwell is lacking because of the Africa Cup in Cottbus and probably against HSV. Jonathan Flynn (Syndesmoseanriss) is back in the course of training - whether it is sufficient for Cottbus!
Even goalkeeper Rene Adler - Saturday spared because of pelvic bruise - was not seriously injured. The offensive force Skibbe Schneider (would adductor) and Gekas (hamstring) are good to see.
Quite a few question marks - but says nations: "Our squad is well cast, the rich have." Skibbe and wants to use the 0:5-swatter against the BVB in his way: "I do not know if I wanted to exchange with Thomas Doll -- one 5:0-victory can give confidence but also cause arrogance. We now have our shock and know what to do. "The best way to be healthy ...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Holland Quartet will enchant the French

Bern - Phenomenal, unique, spectacular - these are the Vantastischen four: Van Basten, van der Sar, van der Vaart, van Nistelrooy.
Getting to grips with success-axis gave the Oranje EM favorites. Friday she wants to lead the team against France in the quarterfinals. EXPRESS explains the Vantastic 4th
Vantastic BastenAllein of the appearance is similar to the 43-year-old growing the best kicker in the country, Johan Cruyff, Marco van Basten was also a mentor. Nevertheless, he changed to the idea of "king" Cruyff playing system. The biggest improvement brought about the transformation to the "double-six."
The success rate of modern football against Italy was van Basten right. Still, he keeps the ball flat, "To be a favorite, you have to deliver more than a good game. We need to get back on the floor. "
Vantastic SarEin safer backing from the Oranje. Edwin van der Sar can muster plenty of experience: Since 1995 the national team goalkeeper for England. His club career began at Ajax Amsterdam, then went over Juventus and Fulham to Man Utd. A few weeks ago after 13 years, he won the Champions League for the second time (at that time with Ajax). Now he is doing everything possible to get at the end of career with 37 years of his first title with Holland.
Vantastic VaartDer quiet thinker and driver in the midfield. Rafael van der Vaart is not an egomaniac. Formerly self-promoter like Edgar Davids and Patrick Kluivert were the reason for unrest in the team. There is entirely up to Vantastic Vaart different. The 25-year-old is a team player, binds his teammates like Wesley Sneijder and Dirk Kuyt with a best.
 Vantastic is Nistelrooy the spearhead of the Netherlands. Against the Italians, he scored the redeeming 1-0, fought his chances of serving colleagues - vänomenal: 31 goals in 60 internationals. This shows the 32-year-old soccer players as fair as he does not fall despite the touch in Italian 16-meter space, but still trying to reach the ball.
France coach Raymond Domenech, seen from the four Vantastischen impressed yet little: "We play against the Netherlands, to win. Not to lose. "

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hedgehog on fire! $ 500 fine

Cologne --
How common: A Cologne (25) has at the roadside in Meschenich played football with a hedgehog, and then tried to put the little animal on fire. Since the introduction of the new Animal Welfare Act, a case for the Cologne District Court.
After all, who torments a vertebrate expected to be fitted with up to one years imprisonment.
Peter K. (25, name is changed) a plumber and holds a Mechelen-Shepherd. The incident happened in late September last year. Peter wanted to fix in an open area near the "Cologne Berg's his car, had his dog with unangeleinten. Who discovered the non-x 1000 gram hedgehogs and poked his nose after the animal.
The little hedgehog was doing what nature has given him the defense: He curled up into a spiny ball. The dog was made to feel on the nose, as these are sharp spines. And howled aloud.
What happened next was the prosecutor in the District Court as follows: "For this not to happen again, he leinte the dog is not around, but the hedgehog was repeated with such force that he repeatedly flew away several feet." On top is Peter K. have set fire to paper or cardboard and placed on the hedgehog.
It saw a 48-year-old teacher who stood in her apartment in Meschenisch the window. "Turn out the fire immediately," she called out to the 25-year-olds to unmistakably loud. On the witness stand she told the court: "When he realized that there were witnesses, he stopped immediately." She called the police. The ashes placed signs on to the hedgehog. Otherwise, the animal had no injuries, officials put it into a bush.
Peter wanted to know about animal cruelty in court yesterday, nothing. "I have the hedgehog just something pushed aside," he says. And: "Then I burned in my garage, bank statements, the pieces bore the wind to the hedgehog."
"I do not take them off," said the judge, not least because of the credible testimony of the neighbor. She threatened with a hefty penalty. After consulting with his lawyer Peter finally said: "The incident I'm sorry." This quasi-confession saved him from a conviction. The judge instead imposed a monetary edition of 500 euros to the pound ruler to pay.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hotelier filmed his passengers in the bed

Cologne --
For evidence of overnight guests, the police has searched for a hotel in the north of Cologne.
During the raid, the officials believe their eyes. The hotel owner had installed cameras in the rooms - and guests secretly filmed.
For many residents in the small business a nightmare come true. "They thought they were in a protected area and have been the victim of a voyeur," said an investigator on Monday to EXPRESS. The hotel owner had it here particularly targeted bed scenes. After check-in, the cameras went on. And the hotel owner was able to calmly watch what happened in the rooms.
The small hidden cameras were installed in the EXPRESS information and addressed, inter alia, on the beds. Only at closer look you could see the spies. The hotel has in the course of interrogations Spanner in Cologne Palace of Justice had given everything. The prosecution considered this appearance as a confession, it was said on Monday at the authority.
The man had intended to arouse himself sexually by the secret observation of his naked guests. For his voyeurism and the disruption of the privacy of its clients now he faces one years in prison