Thursday, May 13, 2010

Here they dig for our U-Bahn

Düsseldorf - At the moment the city is full of holes like Swiss cheese. Along the route of the line-Wehrhahn a gaping construction pit after another. And soon it starts with the drilling of the tube. EXPRESS visited in the company of construction manager and traffic manager Gerd Wittkötter Andrea Blome Südast the construction sites on the new subway.
Bilker station: "Here is the start of the Wehrhahn line, here in November, the large tunnel boring machine used," says Wittkötter and has a huge hole. The mine is already 12 feet deep, will be reduced even up to 18 meters. The drill (60 meters long, 9.50 meters in diameter) must be installed on site.
Church Square, "The diaphragm walls on the west side are done, next week will be excavated," said the foreman. Then comes onto a concrete cover, and the east side of the station is built. The traffic flow is then changed again.
Graf-Adolf-Platz: You can already see a flight of stairs to the subway station. Even at this point the site will be moved at the end of June on the other side.
Benrather Street: "We need to get the drill out of the ground, at the Cornelius space will reinstated," says Wittkötter.
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